You're walking in a forest...

Subscriptions to Inner Worlds zine at 'Blackthorn' level and above include a monthly video, either exploring an aspect of writing speculative fiction, or with a writing prompt or exercise.

Normally the videos will be exclusively for subscribers, but I've decided to make this first one available to everybody.

My idea was that it could act as a kind of 'taster' of what to expect for anyone thinking of subscribing. But what actually happened was that I had a fun idea and I ran with it, and most videos won't be quite as elaborate as this one.

I hope you enjoy this gentle, immersive 'write your own adventure' fantasy, which starts with a walk in the forest...

A Walk In The Forest: Fantasy Writing Prompt

Please do share this if you enjoyed it. And I would love to hear who - or what - you found in these unusual forest homes.

I'm taking requests for future video topics. The next one will be about the Pendle Witches, looking at how they've been represented in art and fiction, followed by a writing exercise. If there's something you'd like me to cover please leave a comment, or drop me a line at sarah.i.jackson[at]gmail[dot]com.